BUSIN is grateful to its reinsurance partners and invites insurance companies to cooperate with us for mutual benefit.
The company has reliable long-term partnerships with leading foreign reinsurers and Lloyd’s brokers under facultative and obligatory reinsurance agreements.
BUSIN concluded Aircraft Third Party, Passenger, Passenger Baggage and Cargo Legal Liability Treaty with the limits of cover equal to 550 million US Dollars (including War and Allied Risks), which is the largest in the history of the Ukrainian insurance market. There is also a valid obligatory Aircraft Hull All Risks Reinsurance Treaty for 5 million US Dollars.
Lloyd’s syndicate is the leader of these Treaties. International reinsurance companies with financial stability ratings of А-/А /А+ are involved in our reinsurance programs.
The obligatory program covers retrocession risks. This guarantees effective consideration of our reinsurance partners’ proposals and reliable reinsurance coverage.
BUSIN guarantees its reinsurance partners:
- qualified underwriting
- effective consideration of proposals
- professional consultation when considering risks accepted for reinsurance and by settlement of claims
- guaranteed protection supported by the financial activities of the company and joint programs with the most powerful companies of the international reinsurance market
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact our reinsurance managers:
tel./fax: (+38) (044) 245-62-17, 249-65-04, 270-06-18
tel./fax: (+38) (044) 245-62-17, 249-65-04, 270-06-18